Triple “H” Ministries
Heart, Health & Healing Ministries, Inc. (Triple “H”) is a faith-based agency incorporating holistic approaches when helping individuals in need.
We were founded in 2011 to serve all residents of Palm Beach County, prioritizing those that are most underrepresented with barriers to physical and mental health. This population includes lower-income communities, single mothers, folks who are/have been incarcerated, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, those that are gender non-conforming, people who are homeless, Black and Brown people, Hispanic/Latinx folks, Immigrants, people experiencing drug addiction, sex workers, youth and the elderly.
Triple “H” Community Center is the community health division of Heart, Health, & Healing Ministries, Inc. We are a state registered and certified HIV/AIDS testing site that offers classes in HIV/AIDS prevention and risk reduction education. Our HIV testing services includes pre and post-test counseling. Anonymity and confidentiality are the guiding factors in our counseling techniques. Our community health division also offers specialized health education classes for youth, women, girls and their peers by developing healthy and safe relationships. We envision having a healthier community by targeting our youth with positive health messages in order to prevent recidivism of poor choices with negative consequences.
As a faith-based organization, Triple “H” believes in serving the “total being”. Our holistic approach allows us to develop a program that immediately refers and links clients into the care seamlessly. “Branches” is the program where individuals can receive immediate linkage into medical care and referral services for additional resources in the community. We take an aggressive follow-up approach with each client to ensure they’ve been adequately linked into services. Branches also provides bus passes to indigent populations for access to doctor’s appointment, food banks, and clothing pantries. We also assist with social services and medical case management which includes; Ryan White linkage and referral to AIDS medications, evidence based individual and group counseling, and confidential aide to victims of abuse, assistance with healthcare needs stamps applications. Our access to mobile van services broadens our ability to support our community with preventative health screenings.
This access fosters the potential for a person to climb out of risky and unhealthy spaces into a more secure and safe place. The end result is a healthier life style!